The MNC is a not-for-profit, tax exempt, charitable organisation
which, within the limits of its income from investments, provides
financial support to Victorian-based serving and ex-Navy personnel,
Navy Ship and Branch Associations in accordance with the following
operational and funding priorities (known as ‘Purposes’):
- Provide a central meeting place for men and women whom have
served in the RAN, RN or an allied Navy in order to perpetuate a
spirit of comradeship and mutual assistance throughout the Naval
Services ... Note 1;
- Arrange, facilitate or promote recreation, amusement and
education for the men and women who are serving or have served
in the Naval Services; and
- Support other groups and organisations in Victoria that
provide for the wellbeing of currently serving and ex-Navy
members... Note 2.
Applications for financial assistance will be considered at the
MNC’s quarterly Committee meetings normally held in February, May,
August and November. Applications should be forwarded to the
Secretary by the middle of the preceding month... Note 3.
Applications submitted outside these time-frames will only be
considered when the MNC Executive (President, Vice President,
Treasurer and Secretary) believes that exceptional circumstances
No hard-and-fast limits are set in relation to the quantum of
financial assistance which can be provided; each request will be
decided on its merits. The Committee will exercise its judgement and
discretion in this regard taking all known factors into account,
- whether the application falls within the MNC’s operational
and funding priorities;
- the history of grants made to the applicant;
- the amount of income (from investments) available for
distribution; and
- the worthiness of the application (based on details provided
by the applicant).
This revised “Statement of Purposes” was approved by the MNC by
special resolution at its AGM on 13 November 2017.
- Applications for meeting and function room bookings at
the Box Hill RSL Club
(26 Nelson Road, Box Hill, 3128) should be made to the Functions
& Events
Manager (Bree Smith) via:
email: or
phone: (03) 9897 6707 (normal working hours)
- Payments or disbursements will normally be in the form
of reimbursements for expenses or payments to suppliers rather
than via a transfer (or an advance) of funds.
- Applications for financial assistance from the MNC
should be made by email to the MNC Secretary (CAPT Andrew
Download the Application Form.....