Navy Victoria Network
Proudly supported by the Melbourne Naval Committee

About Us


If you have ever wanted to reconnect with your Navy past, commemorate the deeds of those brave sailors who went before you, celebrate our nation’s great maritime tradition, or just learn more about the service of a loved one, this website is a good place to start.

In 2011 the Navy Victoria Network (NVN) was established with the aim of keeping the ex-Navy community in Victoria up to date with activities that were occurring in the State. Our website was created, and a monthly newsletter was published, in an attempt to keep readers informed on a range of topics including upcoming ship visits, local and national commemorations, plus news and events affecting today’s Navy.

Since the website’s launch, it has attracted considerable interest and it is now providing a facility for individual ex-Navy associations in Victoria to have their own page on the website. Information is included about Reunions and also a Vale section to pay our respects to recently departed shipmates.

Over time, have added information on veteran welfare, a photo gallery of recent commemorative events, useful links to like minded organisations, plus the popular Navy Heroes section, where we highlight the deeds of well-known, as well as some unsung naval heroes.

Our Facebook page has also become a popular way of keeping in touch with what Navy is doing in Victoria, and around the world.

Pleasingly, subscribers to the NVN monthly newsletter "BROADSIDE" have steadily grown over the years. Registration of interest (ie. to go on the distribution list for our monthly newsletter) remains free of charge and simple to do – just click on the home page on the menu above.

Currently serving and ex-serving members, including their families, indeed anyone with an interest in maritime matters, should find something of interest here or on our Facebook page.

We welcome your feedback and constructive suggestions by emailing our webmaster at:  

Yours Aye!
NVN Team

NVN History

The R.A.N. - A Brief History